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Showing posts from June, 2020

Best Punjabi Captions Collection for insta

हे फ्रेंड स्वागत है, हमारा इस रोमांचक वाले पोस्ट  Caption for Insta Pic in Punjabi-  Punjabi Captions For Instagram  में, आज इस  पोस्ट से आपको मिलेगा भेतरीन कुछ मजेदार  Caption for Insta Pic in Punjabi- Punjabi Captions For Instagram , असा हैं मेरा हमारा इस  Caption for Insta Pic in Punjabi- Punjabi Captions For Instagram  वाले पोस्ट आपको बहोती पसंद आएगा. हम इस पोस्ट को क़ुदसे लिखा है, जो आपको  कहीभी नहीं मिल पाएंगे, और हम सिर्फ BEST of the BEST  Caption for Insta Pic in Punjabi- Punjabi Captions For Instagram को सेलेक्ट किया हैं, जिससे आपको बहुत आसान होगा परनेमे हमारा इस लक स्टेटस इन हिंदी पोस्ट. Best, Cool, Funny, Cute Instagram Captions, and Selfie Quotes Good Instagram Quotes For those moments when you have a great photo that is missing just a caption, you can consider some of these good captions. I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t never gonna do it any different. I don’t care who likes it and who doesn’t. Stop looking for happiness in the

Hausla Shayari in Hindi

हे फ्रेंड स्वागत है, हमारा इस रोमांचक वाले पोस्ट   Hausla Shayari in Hindi  में, आज इस  पोस्ट से आपको मिलेगा भेतरीन कुछ मजेदार  Hausla Shayari in Hindi , असा हैं मेरा हमारा इस  Hausla Shayari in Hindi  वाले पोस्ट आपको बहोती पसंद आएगा. हम इस पोस्ट को क़ुदसे लिखा है, जो आपको  कहीभी नहीं मिल पाएंगे, और हम सिर्फ BEST of the BEST   Hausla Shayari in Hindi  को सेलेक्ट किया हैं, जिससे आपको बहुत आसान होगा परनेमे हमारा इस लक स्टेटस इन हिंदी पोस्ट. Hausla Shayari in Hindi जितना हैं मुझे, ये जूनून हैं आपुनका , खोल तेहै आपुनका खून, बोलते हे आपुनका दम.  नहीं हैं बनना तेरे जैसा, नहीं बनना तेरे जैसा, क्युकी हम तो हम हैं, और हमारा काम आसमान हैं. खुद को देख क्या है तू, तुझे क्यों इतना सरम, क्यों इतना गम, क्या हैं तू , उटजा और लिख डाल खुदका तक़दीर. क्यों बैठा है तू, सोच रही हैं, क्या सोच रही है, कोई आएगा तुझे बद्लायेगा, हा हा हा, उठजा और खुदको पैचान और देखा डल इस दुनिया को खुदका दम. जितना है, है जितना, बोल

Farewell Speech In Hindi

हे फ्रेंड स्वागत है, हमारा इस रोमांचक वाले पोस्ट   Farewell Speech In Hindi-  Farewell Speech In Hindi for Colleague में, आज इस  पोस्ट से आपको मिलेगा भेतरीन कुछ मजेदार  Farewell Speech In Hindi- Farewell Speech In Hindi for Colleague , असा हैं मेरा हमारा इस  Farewell Speech In Hindi- Farewell Speech In Hindi for Colleague  वाले पोस्ट आपको बहोती पसंद आएगा. हम इस पोस्ट को क़ुदसे लिखा है, जो आपको  कहीभी नहीं मिल पाएंगे, और हम सिर्फ BEST of the BEST   Farewell Speech In Hindi- Farewell Speech In Hindi for Colleague  को सेलेक्ट किया हैं, जिससे आपको बहुत आसान होगा परनेमे हमारा इस लक स्टेटस इन हिंदी पोस्ट.  Farewell Speech In Hindi Farewell Speech In Hindi: हार एक इंसान उसके जीबन में कयी प्रकार काम करते हैं | और उस कामके बजसे वो सबके पास ख़ास बनता हैं, और उस काम को पूरा करनेके लिये वो अपने कीमती समोय दे जाता हैं | और उसीसे अपने जीवन का कार्यकाल पूरा कर चूका होता है , और इसीके बजसे उसे अपनी पुरानी जगह से रिटायरमेंट लेना पड़ता है | अब बात आता हैं की वो कोई स्कूल या

Get Motivated by Reading Motivational Speech

 How much is fear play into preventing us fromgrasping perspective, though? Oh no! Fear is everything. Yeah, like if there is if there was one conceptthat I would suggest to people to take a daily confrontation with, it’s fear. The problem with fear is that it lies, right. So, fear tells you, "Hey, you know, if yousay that to that girl she's going to know she has you, you know, and she'll never reallybe attracted to you if she knows how much you attracted to her. Don't say that, no! How we get her is when she walks by, ignoreher." You know, fear tells you dumb shit like that.  Okay, you know. So, for me, the daily confrontation with fearhas become a real practice for me since about three years ago. I went skydiving in Dubai, right! As skydiving, skydiving is a really interestingconfront with fear, right. So, I got to stand up. So, all your friends… What happens you go out, how you… Oh sorry, drop my thing… So, what happens is you go out the night beforeand y

If You Thought You Can Then You Can Success Any Field- Motivational Speech

Madam President and gentlemen, ladies of thehouse. I standing here with eight minutes in my handsin this venerable and rather magnificent institution, I was going to assure you that I belong tothe Henry VIII School of public speaking - that as Henry VIII said to his wives 'I shall notkeep you long'. But now finding myself the seventh speakerout of eight in what must already seem a rather long evening to you I rather feel like HenryVIII's the last wife. I know more or less of what expected of mebut I am not sure how to do it any differently.  Perhaps what I should do is really try andpay attention to the arguments that have advanced by the Opposition today. We had for example Sir Richard Ottaway suggesting- challenging the very idea that it could be argued that the economic situation of thecolonies was actually worsened by the experience of British colonialism. Well I stand to offer you the Indian example,Sir Richard. India share of the world economy when Britainarrived on i

Best *Top Level* Motivational Speech

 Best *Top Level* Motivational Speech ♪♪♪ Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! We've all heardthe sound of a clock Have you ever stoppedto think about what it means? There are two fixed pointsin your life... Birth and Death And what happens in betweenthat's under your control, it's the only thingunder your control ♪♪♪ Now, we have no idea what the distancebetween birth and death is going to be. And you've heard the storyso many times Somebody gets really bad news,they find out they've got life threatening cancer, they've only got a few months to live,they quit their job, sell all their possessions and go volunteeringin a far-off country giving back to other people,spending time with the people important to them and spending time doingthe things that really matter the most. So, why is it that we wait for sucha massive moment for us to take massive action? What if you could changeeverything today? What if you could changeeverything in an instant? Right now Watching this video

SUNDAR PICHAI: Motivatonal Speech

 SUNDAR PICHAI: Motivatonal Speech  SUNDAR PICHAI: Never gotten such an applausebefore. I've done a lot of things, but this is thefirst time I feel like I've done something worthwhile. First of all, thank you all for being here. Shah Rukh and I were walking when a bunchof Googlers just did a flash dance, and Shah Rukh joined in the back as well. So thank you all for coming here today. We are also live-streaming this, so it's beingwatched live in YouTube. YouTube India is live-streaming it, as wellas Google+ Hangouts On Air. Shah Rukh needs no introduction, but he'sone of the most popular and acclaimed actors in India. He has done a lot of things. He's not just an actor.  He's a producer. He's a philanthropist. He has been given the Padma Shri award bythe government. He has starred in over 50 films. Started his career in 1992 with "Deewana." Most of you probably know this better thanme. And he has also won the UNESCO award for allhis philanthropic w