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Best *Top Level* Motivational Speech

 Best *Top Level* Motivational Speech

♪♪♪ Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! We've all heardthe sound of a clock Have you ever stoppedto think about what it means? There are two fixed pointsin your life... Birth and Death And what happens in betweenthat's under your control, it's the only thingunder your control ♪♪♪ Now, we have no idea what the distancebetween birth and death is going to be. And you've heard the storyso many times Somebody gets really bad news,they find out they've got life threatening cancer, they've only got a few months to live,they quit their job, sell all their possessions and go volunteeringin a far-off country giving back to other people,spending time with the people important to them and spending time doingthe things that really matter the most.

So, why is it that we wait for sucha massive moment for us to take massive action? What if you could changeeverything today? What if you could changeeverything in an instant? Right now Watching this video on YouTube, on your phoneor your laptop, or wherever you are. What if change could happen? I don't care how good you are,I don't care how talented you are, I don't care how muchyou work on yourself, there are some times whenthings aren't going to go right They're just not goingto go right There are times where anythingthat can happen, will happen Murphy's Lawwill be knocking at your door Why? I don't know why,that's called life and you have todeal with it Sometimes your lifewill be in a slump just like sports, some of the best shooterscan't hit baskets in different times and games, they get in a slump.

Do they sit on the sidelinesand say: "you know I just didn't hit a basket today” No! They continue to execute I suggest to you thatif you are facing a challenge... Don't stop Stay busy, work your plan, continue to dothose things that you know that work for you after you have evaluatedyourself in the situation, continue to move,stay busy, stay busy, stay busy, repeat after to me:"help somebody and help yourself because what you giveis what you get" Find somebody that you can helpso you can forget about you for a moment. See, sometimes the best thingto do is to be Sometimes you have to just back upand go within yourself And I think there's a simplething that you need, that we hear again and againin these motivational speeches, and it's a simple word but it's misunderstood and it's "Belief" If you're goingto really change, the first thing that you have to movefrom an opinion to a belief, and a beliefinto a conviction is that You are the onethat can change, you are the one that isresponsible for who you are, where you arein life right now, the things that you do,the things that you don't do, that you knowthat you should, the things thatyou have become, the personthat you've become, and as a resultthe things that you have.

And there's all kinds of thingsgoing on right now, there's all kinds of thoughtsgoing on right now, there's all kinds of feelingbut amidst all of those things, amidst the sea of confusionthat you might feel Let me ask you a very simple question,a very basic question: Do you believe that youhave the power to change? ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Time is all we have This moment Right now ♪♪♪ There's only one thing in our livesthat we're never able to reacquire once it's gone, and I'm not talking about money,I'm not talking about material items, I'm talking about time And it's such a unique concept,a unique idea, because when utilized correctly,it contains the ingredients to success, to happiness, to growth, prosperityall the things we want, but at the very same time,if neglected it leaves us with very little. Because the truth isevery morning when you wake up you are living minutesyou will never get back, you are breathing airyou will never take in again, it is your one opportunityto embrace this gift, and every secondsees a little of it slip away.

And my point is that there is no momentmore important, more perfect, than right now, not in a week, not after your promotion,not in 30 years when you plan to retire and relax. Right now See, we have this mentality that the futureis going to somehow mean more than the present, that if we suffer now,or if we're unhappy now, that will save the best in lifefor some other time. But the reality iswe don't get younger Yes! We should be working hard, absolutely,success comes from effort, hard work, dedication,persistence, but the key is Allocate your precious time to the work, to the thingsthat make you feel like today is powerful, that right now is so amazingyou don't want it to end. Today is when you take the first steptowards the things you want When you becomewho you want to become No one is ever or will everkeep you from that other than yourself There is no ceiling, there is no limitation,there is no special requirement, there is you and what you allowyourself to accomplish, you are the gatekeeper,you have your foot on the gas pedal.

And it's so easyto point to others, right? To point to our environment,to blame things on everything, but our own decision,our decision to stick to the status quo, because believe it or not,it is that simple you are where you arebecause that's where you decided to be, and you've accepted thatas okay Look, if you want change,then manufacture change, create a plan and move, go, transform,step out of your head and into the real world.

Think about howlucky we are, to be alive in this day and age with accessto all the information we can ever dream of, technology that enables growth,freedom to pursue any path that looks appealing, anything we could ever wantis right in front of us. Yet we don't embrace it.Why? Why in the worldwould we let that be? Nothing is more importantin life than living it, nothing makes us feel more energized,more free, more happy than following the pathwe were meant to take.

It's having the courageto step over the obstacles, to face the challenges,to be uncomfortable And at the beginningit's tough, right? Change is tough,getting what you want isn't easy there's a period of struggle, of growth,but once you get through it You understandwhat living really is! Which brings us right backto the concept of time, our small existence on this planet,the greatest gift a human being can receive, you by default have it Don't ever let itbe in vain The future isn't when happinesssomeday occurs, it's a continuation of you living every momentto the fullest, from now until your last, make every trip around the Sunbetter than the previous, never let a moment of sunshine, clouds or rain,deprive you of your gift.

Be the best version of yourselfyou can be Live the lifeyou're meant to live All it takes isa simple decision! ♪♪♪ So, when you imagine the changethat you want to create in your life, the person that you know you want to be,that you should be, based on the resourcesand ideas that you have. What is stopping you What's stopping youfrom waking up early? What's stopping youfrom creating good habits? What's stopping you from cutting people outof your life that you know no longer serve you?

That clock it's always ticking And one day it won't You'll be metwith silence And this journeyit will end And at that moment, when people look at your gravestone,when they come to your funeral What is it that you want themto remember you for? What kind of impact and legacy do you want toleave behind through the lesson that is your life? And are you really livingthat lesson every single day? Stop waiting for tomorrow,stop waiting for the perfect moment And start now Start believing Start dreaming And create the life and the personthat you really want to see. Because like I saidat the beginning Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! ♪♪♪ 


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